Have friends visiting to jogja and stopped to Tugu Yogyakarta ?/
If ever mean your vacation to Jogja is really fun, because there are few tourists who say "if to jogja holiday without visiting Yogyakarta Monument to say you've never to jogja" somehow the words they utter. Perhaps with a visit to Tugu Jogja as though our vacation was complete.
We can enjoy our holidays in some of the most popular places in Yogyakarta with many unique characteristics in each location.
this time we will discuss about the beauty of Tugu. The location will be crowded every night of the visitors by trying to perpetuate momentnya when in the city of Yogyakarta.
will certainly direct you reminisce your vacation time to visit the city of Yogyakarta.

Tugu Jogja give comfort berama, residents suave and courteous traveler that makes this place seemed to be one corner of the city of Yogyakarta that is comfortable to visit. In this place you can also enjoy some typical cuisine of the original Jogja, you can enjoy food and drink as much, which is like Wedang rounde, Angkringan and others a way to enjoy the food Lesbian in every roadside About a Tugu Jogja that makes Nuance wonderful Tugu Jogja of a night you will never forget. Hectic cities and glitter of city lights as if we get carried away late into the comfort of Jogja city. Some people who want to capture the moment when the original Jogja enjoy the specialties of this as a happy moment.

Every corner of the city are very cozy and romantic make Yogyakarta city is becoming increasingly more migrants as tourists are even some who want to stay in this town, perhaps because of the comfort of the city that never can be from another city that made them eager not want meniggalkan Yogyakarta city while visiting.
Nuance beautiful
Every town romantic angle in Yogyakarta
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